Imminent Planning Application – Helios Solar Farm Project

After a thorough assessment of the available details of the proposed planning application the Parish Council voted to officially object to the project. A letter of Objection has been issued to The Secretary of State, who will consider the application when it is presented. The project is considerably larger than other existing solar farms and therefore North Yorkshire Council Planning Department are not permitted to make a decision on the application. A copy of the letter can be obtained by requesting this via the clerk on email: –

The Parish Council have registered to comment on the consultation which had a deadline of 30th September 2024.

Councillor Vacancy

Mr Ian Forbes has sadly tendered his resignation as Councillor (Vice) to Hirst Courtney Parish Council. There is therefore a Councillor Vacancy at present. The deadline is 4th November 2024 and applications should be made in writing to North Yorkshire Council, Democratic Services: –

Proper Officer. North Yorkshire Council. County Hall. Racecourse Lane, Northallerton. DL78AD

Should you be interested in learning more about the role, meetings, and extent of participation please contact the clerk, Helen Phillips on

News Update

20’s Plenty – Speed Awareness

Malton Primary School have done an exercise regarding stopping distances relating to driving at 20 and 30mph. The link below really brings it home – DRIVERS PLEASE SLOW DOWN

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Stopping distances


The Defibrillator situated in the old phone box in Hirst Courtney has recently had a software update and is back in situ available for use again.

Dog Fouling – be a responsible owner

Repeated cases of dog fouling on Main Street, between the War Memorial and Back Lane, have been reported to the Parish Council. The Parish Council work in partnership with Selby District Council and have therefore informed them of the issue.

Selby District Council have adopted the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014. Under this it is an offence to fail to clear up the mess made by a dog which is in your charge on any designated land in Selby district. The maximum penalty for this offence is a fine of £1000.

Designated land is all land to which the public have a right of access.

The following are not acceptable excuses:

  • Being unaware of the fouling;
  • Not being with the dog at the time; or
  • Not having any suitable equipment to remove the mess.

This means that Selby District Council have the potential to prosecute owners who let their dogs roam unattended.

Speeding Motorists Through Hirst Courtney & West Bank

The Parish Council are collecting evidence of motorists speeding through Hirst Courtney & West Bank in a bid to resolve this long standing issue.

If you see a speeding vehicle please report the time and date of the incident to the parish council  by emailing: .  If possible please include a description of the vehicle(s) and number plate(s).